Katherine Heigl seems to make enemies every month. After winning over a sizable audience in her Emmy-winning performance in “Grey’s Anatomy” and then starring in one of the biggest comedies of 2007, Knocked Up, Katherine was pegged as one of the biggest rising stars in Hollywood. Then she made a series of what could only be described as media relations disasters.

First there was her January 2008 Vanity Fair interview, where Katherine bashed the role that made her “bankable” as a film actress. She called Knocked Up “sexist” and then went on to bash the “ratings ploy” plot of the “Grey’s Anatomy” writers and producers. After some public condemnation for basically being ungrateful for the success she had, Katherine tried to back-track, sort of. Since it was basically her first offense, people tended to look the other way.

After that, Katherine bided her time until the a few weeks before the 2008 Emmy nominations were to be announced. She then sanctimoniously announced that she had withdrawn her name from Emmy consideration because she felt she hadn’t been given good enough material, and she didn’t think it was “fair” to the other potential nominees. That’s when all hell broke loose.

Katherine got called every name in the book for that one. “Grey’s Anatomy” writers and producers were pissed, and the gossip at the time was that Katherine was being deliberately bitchy as a way to get out of her Grey’s contract, so she could ultimately spend more time on her film career. Grey’s didn’t fire her though, instead forcing her to fulfill her contract. She’s been relatively quiet since then, until this new report. According to “sources”, Heigl was a huge diva on the set of 27 Dresses and her new film Five Killers. BANG Media has more (via Gossip Rocks):

Katherine Heigl has been accused of behaving like a diva while filming ’27 Dresses’.

The 30-year-old actress reportedly refused to film any scenes on the 2008 movie unless she was brought a can of Coke Zero, and also refused to talk to extras on set.

An extra on the film told gossip blogger Perez Hilton: “She wouldn’t film any scenes until her pregnant assistant ran and got her a Coke Zero. She refused to eat lunch next to anyone or have anyone speak to her once the stopped rolling.

“I filmed RIGHT next to her… for 10 hours straight two days in a row and she never once said hello to me. Never even looked in my direction even after I tried to make conversation.”

The new claims come after it was reported Katherine made a series of unreasonable demands on the set of her movie ‘Five Killers’.

A crew member said: “She’s had appointments with us – from camera tests to fittings – that she just hasn’t shown up to and has been making herself unavailable.”

“She and her mother, who is her manager, even had the audacity to request that wardrobe people go to her. We accommodated that request and she flaked on the meeting.”

The movie is being shot in Atlanta and France, and Katherine has reportedly requested a private plane transport her to set and a large security team.

Another source said: “She has a sense of entitlement that is really off-putting. Many directors that she’s worked with in the past DO NOT want to work with her again.”

BANG Media International via Gossip Rocks

A Coke Zero? Are those any good? Because I would find it hard to work without my Diet Coke, but I could probably manage without being an enormous bitch. I’m not sure if I believe all of this reporting, but I believe some of it. When the steady stream of gossip tilts towards consistent reporting of a particular star being a huge diva, and you’ve got the case history to back it up, it’s probably true. And that makes Katherine Heigl the reigning queen of sanctimonious entitlement.

Katherine Heigl and Josh Kelly are shown out on 2/13/09 in Beverly Hills. Credit: Fame
