
At this point, I think Jay-Z and Beyonce do love each other a great deal, and beyond their true love match, I think they are both corporations which have merged. If they ever split, it will get tricky. But for now, I think they’re doing their thing and they’re committed to being together… just maybe not committed to being faithful to each other? Ever since CDAN did those “Blind Items Revealed” on the Fourth of July, I’ve been wondering about Jay and Bey. Here’s the blind I’m speaking of:

This married A list singer/rapper extraordinaire may want to be very careful right now. There is a French model he has been with for the past ten years and as they approach that first decade mark, she wants much much more out of their partnership. If our singer says no, the fireworks will be loud and spectacular. Reveal: Jay-Z.

[From CDAN]

Is it for real? I have no idea. It wouldn’t surprise me to learn that Jay has someone on the side, or multiple side-pieces. Speaking of, In Touch Weekly has an interesting piece about Jay’s activities while Beyonce is in Europe:

On July 20, Jay-Z was partying with model Selita Ebanks at the Qream Liqueur by Diageo launch at the New York Public Library, and he didn’t seem overly concerned about his wife, Beyonce.

“He and Selita were hugging and giggling,” an onlooker tells In Touch. It wasn’t the first time the 41-year-old rapper was seen living it up without Beyonce this summer. On July 8, at NYC club 1Oak, “Jay-Z walked in around 1 a.m. with several really pretty girls that looked like backup dancers,” an eyewitness reveals to In Touch. “They bought a ton of bottles and Jay was very flirty – dancing with them while they passed his phone back and forth. He even let one of them sit on his lap.”

According to the eyewitness, “Jay-Z seemed really carefree and single, like Beynce wasn’t on his mind.”

[From In Touch Weekly, print edition]

ITW goes on to note how Beyonce is spending the summer in Europe, on tour, and how she’s going through a hard time because critics don’t like her new album and because her father maybe/probably stole money from her when he was her manager. Then ITW brings up BABIES and how they’ve both talked about how much they want the babies but how they’ve never found the time, and somehow that ends up all on Jay, when really I think it’s Beyonce who doesn’t want to have babies right now and Jay is the one who does.

So, do I believe that Jay is out at the clubs with Selita and randoms? Sure! Why not? I think this marriage has two courses right now: either they will stay together, through thick and thin, no matter what random, model, or mistress comes up; OR, they will end up splitting very soon, and it will be epic.




Photos courtesy of Fame & WENN.
