As the anniversary of her landmark double hand transplant approaches, Corinne Hutton says she will never forget the sacrifice made by the donor who made it possible.

Lochwinnoch mum Corinne will mark the one-year milestone since her operation on January 8, which saw her become the first Scot - and only third in the UK - to undergo the gruelling 12-hour surgery.

She had all but given up hope that she would get the life-changing opportunity after she lost both her hands and her legs below the knee to sepsis in 2012.

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The determined 49 year old has spent the last year working round the clock to build up strength in her new hands.

But while she is happy to reach the anniversary, she admits it is also a poignant time for her.

Speaking to the Express , she said: “I will never forget what the family of the donor did for me.

“While I am celebrating the anniversary, I am very aware that for someone’s family it is a very different time.

“I will always be grateful to those people.”

While Corinne has achieved so much since her surgery, it has not been an easy road to get there.

She spent the first five months following the operation battling infections and spent numerous nights in hospital.

She also endured months of physical therapy to be able to use the donor hands - a feat which Corinne says she underestimated when doctors told her how tough it would be.

She added: “I have always been quite a determined person, so when I went for the surgery I was keen to know when I would be able to get back to work.

“But they told me that getting the use of my hands back would be my work for the next year - I thought they were just being pessimistic.

“It was really tough.

“I am so independent and I didn’t want to be dependent on anyone.

“But it was a long road for me.

“I was in hospital constantly with infections and I still have surgeries to get for things that have changed since the original operation.

“But I just needed to keep looking at my hands and reminding myself that this was great and I was doing really well.”

Corinne now says she enjoys relishing the little things she may have once took for granted.

She added: “I have lived a life with hands and I have lived a life without.

“But being able to just do little things without thinking were amazing to me, such as lifting a napkin up off the floor or loading the washing

“It’s things many people would take for granted but it was so important for me as they would have been a challenge

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Charity ambassador Corinne is no stranger to overcoming a challenge.

As a single mum to her son Rory, ten, Corinne also set up charity Finding Your Feet to raise awareness and support for amputees across Scotland.

Since setting up the organisation in 2013, it has now helped more than 3,000 people and raised more than £1.2million, operating out of Paisley since September last

In 2014 she was asked to give a TED talk. The following year, she became the first female quadruple amputee to climb Ben Nevis and, in 2017, she was the first to complete the London Triathlon.

In October 2018, Corinne raised more than £30,000 to become the first quadruple amputee to climb Africa’s highest mountain, Kilimanjaro, accompanied by 10 supporters from
Finding Your Feet.

She rounded off 2019 by winning the Special Recognition Award at the Pride of Sport

And now the athlete has her sights on the Meadows Half Marathon in Edinburgh in March this year.

She will be completing the 13-mile race alongside fellow amputees and friends.

And the training has already begun for the event.

Corinne said: “Finding the motivation to go out and run is tough, especially in January.

“I have been out a few times already and not really enjoyed it but I know it will be great when we complete the race on the day.

“I just need to stick at it.”

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